[swift-dev] [Swift CI] Build Failure: 0. OSS - Swift Incremental RA - Ubuntu 16.04 (master) #2618

Mishal Shah mishal_shah at apple.com
Wed Jan 17 18:42:34 CST 2018

Test Case 'RepositoryManagerTests.testBasics' started at 2018-01-17 22:36:16.208
 <>/home/buildnode/jenkins/workspace/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_04/swiftpm/Tests/SourceControlTests/RepositoryManagerTests.swift:199: error: RepositoryManagerTests.testBasics : Asynchronous wait failed - Exceeded timeout of 1.0 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: Repository lookup expectation
Test Case 'RepositoryManagerTests.testBasics' failed (8.365 seconds)

Mishal Shah

> On Jan 17, 2018, at 2:36 PM, swift-ci at swift.org wrote:
> [FAILURE] oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_04 [#2618]
> Build URL:	https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_04/2618/ <https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_04/2618/>
> Project:	oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_04
> Date of build:	Wed, 17 Jan 2018 16:05:33 -0600
> Build duration:	31 min
> Identified problems:
> Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:
> Indication 1 <https://ci.swift.org//job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_04/2618/consoleFull#-9530029353122a513-f36a-4c87-8ed7-cbc36a1ec144>
> Tests:
> Name: Swift(linux-x86_64)
> Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 10190 test(s), Total: 10190 test(s)
> Name: Swift-Unit
> Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 507 test(s), Total: 507 test(s)
> Changes
> Commit be6d83ce74856665b6997bd0368acfce0eaec1f8 by mark.lacey:
> Restore ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional extension conforming to
> edit: stdlib/public/core/ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional.swift
> Commit c773493961580dd6cd35f17bdb2d40e309fb992b by mark.lacey:
> Revert "IUO: Update protocol conformance checking to check IUO attr on
> edit: lib/Sema/TypeCheckProtocol.cpp
> Commit 41056ae3a434608556a706e1c8f201fc625e53d6 by mark.lacey:
> Add runtime tests for bridging optionals and IUOs.
> add: test/Interpreter/dynamic_cast_optionals_to_nsobject.swift
> Commit 663d6af063cfd6d7d44cc2f42c53dfcd57fa17c9 by dgregor:
> [ABI] Factor out the protocol conformance flags (again).
> edit: lib/IRGen/GenDecl.cpp
> edit: include/swift/Runtime/Metadata.h
> edit: stdlib/public/runtime/ProtocolConformance.cpp
> edit: lib/AST/ProtocolConformance.cpp
> edit: include/swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h
> edit: include/swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h
> edit: test/IRGen/protocol_conformance_records_objc.swift
> edit: test/IRGen/protocol_conformance_records.swift
> Commit bc866086d903aebd089af9f2a21558e6558c2b7a by dgregor:
> [Mangling] Add a mangling for protocol conformance descriptors.
> edit: docs/ABI/Mangling.rst
> edit: lib/Demangling/Remangler.cpp
> edit: lib/Demangling/Demangler.cpp
> edit: lib/Demangling/OldRemangler.cpp
> edit: lib/Demangling/NodePrinter.cpp
> edit: include/swift/IRGen/Linking.h
> edit: include/swift/Demangling/DemangleNodes.def
> edit: lib/IRGen/GenDecl.cpp
> edit: lib/IRGen/IRGenMangler.h
> edit: lib/IRGen/Linking.cpp
> edit: test/Demangle/Inputs/manglings.txt
> Commit e766473ed93c01c62dc633b5a8ac2c040f1b6683 by dgregor:
> [ABI] Emit separate symbols for protocol conformance descriptors.
> edit: lib/IRGen/GenProto.cpp
> edit: test/IRGen/protocol_conformance_records_objc.swift
> edit: include/swift/Runtime/RuntimeFunctions.def
> edit: lib/TBDGen/TBDGen.cpp
> edit: lib/IRGen/GenDecl.cpp
> edit: include/swift/Runtime/Metadata.h
> edit: test/IRGen/objc_bridged_generic_conformance.swift
> edit: lib/IRGen/IRGenModule.h
> edit: stdlib/public/runtime/ProtocolConformance.cpp
> edit: lib/IRGen/IRGenModule.cpp
> edit: test/IRGen/protocol_conformance_records.swift
> Commit 1d99aac77447c644f54c06ff70df284ab7b18d2f by dgregor:
> Update IRGen test for ELF
> edit: test/IRGen/protocol_conformance_records.swift

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