[swift-dev] Dependencies on Benchmark_O(& co.) --verbose format

Pavol Vaskovic pali at pali.sk
Mon May 15 04:42:07 CDT 2017


I’m working of fixes to SR-4780 "Can not run performance tests that are not in precommit suite” <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-4780> and SR-4669 "Add a Benchmark_Driver --rerun N option” <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-4669>.

It would make my work easier if I could slightly modify the output format from the Benchmark_O(& co.) in the verbose mode, but before I do that I’d like to know if anybody has dependency on the exact format — any scripts that parse it?

Manual use shouldn’t be affected, the provided information would remain the same.

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