[swift-dev] Running benchmark in release mode

Pavol Vaskovic pali at pali.sk
Sat Mar 25 07:03:04 CDT 2017


I’m trying to run the benchmarks for swift-source on my machine.

> ./swift/utils/build-script --benchmark

works, but takes ages. So I was trying to run the benchmark in release mode:

> ./swift/utils/build-script -R -B

this fails with the last command being:

> /Users/mondo/Developer/swift-source/build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/swift-macosx-x86_64/bin/Benchmark_Driver run -o O --output-dir /Users/mondo/Developer/swift-source/build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/swift-macosx-x86_64/benchmark/logs --swift-repo /Users/mondo/Developer/swift-source/swift --iterations
> [..].
> Benchmark_Driver run: error: argument -i/--iterations: expected one argument

I have tried this to no avail:

> ./swift/utils/build-script -R --benchmark-num-onone-iterations 3

Is what I’m trying to do not supported by build-script, or am I misunderstanding how to use the benchmark suit?

In case this is a bug in build script, I’ve filed a Jira issue: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-4357

Best regards
Pavol Vaskovic

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