[swift-dev] [Swift CI] Build Failure: 0. OSS - Swift Incremental RA - Ubuntu 16.10 (master) #2022

Jordan Rose jordan_rose at apple.com
Mon Feb 20 15:27:07 CST 2017

Maybe something changed in the standard library's handling of floats? Max?

> On Feb 20, 2017, at 13:26, Philippe Hausler <phausler at apple.com> wrote:
> That would be new; I have not seen that failure before. the method is quite droll - it just calls sin/cos and resets the m values accordingly. 
> Did sin/cos change? the values being sent in are reasonable (not at a point it would be in any question of the return value)
>> On Feb 20, 2017, at 9:18 PM, Jordan Rose via swift-dev <swift-dev at swift.org <mailto:swift-dev at swift.org>> wrote:
>> Foundation folks, have you seen this before?
>> TestFoundation/TestNSAffineTransform.swift:187: error: TestNSAffineTransform.test_Rotation_Radians : XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy failed: ("10.0") is not equal to ("-10.0") +/- ("0.001") - y (expected: -10.0, was: 10.0): 
>> Jordan
>>> On Feb 20, 2017, at 12:05, no-reply at swift.org <mailto:no-reply at swift.org> wrote:
>>> [FAILURE] oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_10 [#2022]
>>> Build URL:	https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_10/2022/ <https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_10/2022/>
>>> Project:	oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_10
>>> Date of build:	Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:47:26 -0800
>>> Build duration:	17 min
>>> Identified problems:
>>> Compile Error: This build failed because of a compile error. Below is a list of all errors in the build log:
>>> Indication 1 <https://ci.swift.org//job/oss-swift-incremental-RA-linux-ubuntu-16_10/2022/consoleFull#-1702050809ee1a197b-acac-4b17-83cf-a53b95139a76>
>>> Tests:
>>> Name: Swift(linux-x86_64)
>>> Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 8993 test(s), Total: 8993 test(s)
>>> Name: Swift-Unit
>>> Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 341 test(s), Total: 341 test(s)
>>> Changes
>>> Commit 042e6510c324c699b86e7a8d0d20068b2ee8feb4 by dgregor:
>>> [AST] Drop ProtocolDecl's "inherited protocols" list.
>>> edit: test/decl/class/circular_inheritance.swift
>>> edit: lib/IRGen/GenProto.cpp
>>> delete: validation-test/compiler_crashers/28599-false-should-have-found-context-by-now.swift
>>> edit: include/swift/AST/Decl.h
>>> edit: lib/Sema/ITCDecl.cpp
>>> edit: lib/Sema/TypeCheckProtocol.cpp
>>> edit: lib/IRGen/GenMeta.cpp
>>> edit: test/decl/protocol/protocols.swift
>>> edit: lib/Sema/TypeCheckDecl.cpp
>>> edit: lib/AST/Type.cpp
>>> edit: lib/AST/SubstitutionMap.cpp
>>> edit: lib/Serialization/Deserialization.cpp
>>> delete: validation-test/compiler_crashers/28604-isinheritedprotocolsvalid.swift
>>> edit: lib/IRGen/GenArchetype.cpp
>>> add: validation-test/compiler_crashers_fixed/28599-false-should-have-found-context-by-now.swift
>>> edit: lib/AST/LookupVisibleDecls.cpp
>>> edit: lib/ClangImporter/ImportDecl.cpp
>>> edit: test/SILGen/objc_bridging_any.swift
>>> edit: lib/IRGen/GenClass.cpp
>>> edit: lib/Sema/TypeChecker.h
>>> edit: lib/AST/Decl.cpp
>>> edit: lib/Serialization/Serialization.cpp
>>> edit: include/swift/SIL/SILWitnessVisitor.h
>>> edit: lib/Sema/TypeCheckType.cpp
>>> add: validation-test/compiler_crashers_fixed/28604-isinheritedprotocolsvalid.swift
>>> edit: lib/PrintAsObjC/PrintAsObjC.cpp
>>> edit: include/swift/Serialization/ModuleFormat.h
>>> edit: lib/IRGen/Fulfillment.cpp
>>> Commit 205303aa64579b40d20c8e052d24c46a87d3a552 by blangmuir:
>>> Disable round_trip_stdlib.swift temporarily
>>> edit: test/Syntax/round_trip_stdlib.swift
>>> Commit cb5bc1fedf1da72e5cb25e529915cce941ad327d by mgottesman:
>>> Disable opaque_values_silgen.swift with a resilient stdlib until I have
>>> edit: test/SILGen/opaque_values_silgen.swift
>>> Commit b50f044c3d646abfe2e3264369b9a9b616ff6886 by github:
>>> Disable a part of the Syntax unit tests under no-asserts. (#7644)
>>> edit: unittests/Syntax/TypeSyntaxTests.cpp
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