[swift-dev] COW for non-mutating methods

Joe Groff jgroff at apple.com
Thu Dec 1 10:55:23 CST 2016

> On Dec 1, 2016, at 3:29 AM, Patrick Pijnappel via swift-dev <swift-dev at swift.org> wrote:
> I'm implementing a COW big int type but am running into problems with non-mutating functions (e.g. the + operator). Simplified example code below shows AFAIK the default way to implement COW, but the non-mutating method doesn't identify the reference as unique (even with -O), resulting in a needless copy.
> I've tried everything I could think of, but only inout parameters seem to work. How does the standard library do this, for e.g. String + String?

> struct Foo {
>   var storage = Storage()
>   class Storage { var x = 0 }
>   init(_ x: Int) { storage.x = x }
>   mutating func negate() {
>     if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&storage) {
>       print("Copy")
>     }
>     storage.x = -storage.x
>   }
>   func negated() -> Foo {
>     var result = self // This counts as a second reference
>     result.negate()
>     return result
>   }
> }
> func test() {
>   var a = Foo(5)
>   a.negate()
>   print(a.storage.x)
>   let b = Foo(5)
>   let c = b.negated()
>   print(c.storage.x)
> }
> test()

Unfortunately, the compiler currently always passes the 'self' parameter of a nonmutating method with a caller-release convention, meaning that any local mutable copy necessarily needs to retain a local copy and can't consume the incoming 'self' value, and there's currently no way to override this. Theoretically, defining `negated` as a free function should enable this optimization, since non-'self' parameters are passed callee-release and can be consumed:

func negate(foo: Foo) -> Foo {
  var result = foo
  return result

though from what I've seen, the ARC optimizer doesn't always successfully shorten the lifetime of parameters enough to turn the "result = foo" into a move, which is a known bug.


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