[swift-dev] Open-source toolchains for Playgrounds (iOS, Xcode 8)

Karl razielim at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 19:41:35 CDT 2016

Wow, Xcode 8 looks like a really great release. Very impressed by the memory debugger, but it seems to have lots of really nice improvements all-around.

According to the release notes (http://adcdownload.apple.com/WWDC_2016/Xcode_8_beta/Release_Notes_for_Xcode_8_beta.pdf), we can now use OSS toolchains for Playgrounds on OSX, but not with other platforms. 

Is that a temporary limitation, or an intentional Apple policy decision?

> 	• Xcode playgrounds which target macOS now support running with open-source Swift toolchains from Swift.org. Playgrounds which target iOS or tvOS require the Xcode 8.0 toolchain. (23287417, 26704661)



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