[swift-dev] The build system is ignoring swift-install-components when cross compiling

Andrew Hyatt andythehyatt at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 12:44:08 CDT 2016


The build system is ignoring swift-install-components when cross compiling. 

The llvm-install-components are copied over cleanly, but the swift-install-components are ignored. 

An additional issue is that it still puts the products in the toolchain directory and ignores the specified prefix, despite a blank toolchain prefix being specified. 

The expected layout of install-destdir: /usr/local/ *everything from llvm-install-components and swift-install-components*

Actual layout: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/  *everything from llvm-install-components*

My build command:

utils/build-script -i --no-assertions -- \
--cross-compile-tools-deployment-targets "iphoneos-armv7s” \
--install-destdir=/Users/andyhyatt/src/inst --install-prefix=/usr/local/ \
--swift-install-components "compiler;stdlib;clang-builtin-headers” \
--llvm-install-components "clang;libclang;libclang-headers” \

Also, is there any way to get a list of valid components for llvm-install-components? 

There is a CMake variable called _SWIFT_KNOWN_INSTALL_COMPONENTS that is defined here: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/de8322951cf4863acb69f489a6feaee20532215b/CMakeLists.txt#L85

I was unable to find an equivalent definition for LLVM. 

Andrew Hyatt
andythehyatt at gmail.com

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