[swift-dev] Issue cross compiling swift-llvm for iOS from OS X

Andrew Hyatt andythehyatt at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 22:22:12 CDT 2016

I am having an issue cross compiling swift-llvm for iOS from OS X. 

This is my command:

utils/build-script -R -i --host-target iphoneos-armv7s --no-assertions -c -- --native-llvm-tools-path /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ --user-config-args="-DLLVM_ENABLE_BACKTRACES=Off -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=True”

The error is:

build/Ninja-Release/llvm-iphoneos-armv7s/bin/llvm-tblgen: Bad CPU type in executable

It compiles llvm-tblgen for the correct architecture (armv7s), then it tries to execute it on the host machine and use it to build other files. How can I avoid this?

Andrew Hyatt
andythehyatt at gmail.com

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