[swift-dev] Categorization of warnings in Swift

Andrew Trick atrick at apple.com
Tue Jan 12 23:42:27 CST 2016

> On Jan 12, 2016, at 5:15 PM, Michael Ilseman via swift-dev <swift-dev at swift.org> wrote:
> By keeping it in mind, do you mean to allow for more categories to be added in the future, or does this affect the fundamental design?

Not that I have much opinion here but to answer your question, the motivation for suppressing them would be unique, so they would simply go under a new category.

Likewise, the more arcane warnings could go uncategorized until there’s a need to suppress them as a separate group. Although at first glance it looks like several of those fall under “command line user interface”.


>> On Jan 12, 2016, at 5:06 PM, Michael Gottesman <mgottesman at apple.com <mailto:mgottesman at apple.com>> wrote:
>>> On Jan 12, 2016, at 9:44 AM, Michael Ilseman via swift-dev <swift-dev at swift.org <mailto:swift-dev at swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Hello, I'm interested in enabling finer-grained control over warning/error
>>> reporting ala Clang. I've started to put in some infrastructure to
>>> DiagnosticEngine, and now I'm at the point of determining categorization. 
>>> I'd like some input (and maybe even some bikeshedding!) on the community's
>>> thoughts and preferences here. Here's my take on the issue:
>>> When it comes to defining the categorization, I can see a few approaches: 
>>>  Categorize based on broad language-feature/compiler-area. E.g. "Availability" or “CommandLineArguments”
>>>  Categorize based on the kind of warning. E.g. "Deprecated" or  “Uninitialized"
>>>  Categorize based on severity or specificity of warnings. E.g. "Pedantic" or "UnusedValue" or "NullDereference"
>>> And, of course, I think that preference should be given to how people would
>>> actively like to use the categories to control warnings. For example, there's
>>> a handful of warnings that makes less sense in a REPL or rapid experimentation
>>> environment, such as variable_never_mutated.
>>> Here's a straw-man proposal of some categorization. Of course, one developer's
>>> annoying pedantic warning is another's life-saving code-smell detector. I am not
>>> personally tied to these categorizations at all, I'm just interested in there
>>> being something simple and basic. Below is a list of every warning in Swift with
>>> an attempt to put it under a category.
>>> Deprecated:
>>>     var_not_allowed_in_pattern
>>>         "Use of '%select{var|let}0' binding here is deprecated and will be "
>>>         "removed in a future version of Swift"
>>>     deprecated_c_style_for_stmt
>>>         "C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future "
>>>         "version of Swift"
>>>     deprecated_convention_attribute
>>>         "'@%0' attribute is deprecated; '@convention(%1)' should be used "
>>>         "instead"
>>>     availability_deprecated
>>>         "%0 %select{is|%select{is|was}3}1 deprecated"
>>>         "%select{| %select{on|in}3 %2%select{| %4}3}1"
>>>     availability_deprecated_msg
>>>         "%0 %select{is|%select{is|was}3}1 deprecated"
>>>         "%select{| %select{on|in}3 %2%select{| %4}3}1: %5"
>>>     availability_deprecated_rename
>>>         "%0 %select{is|%select{is|was}3}1 deprecated"
>>>         "%select{| %select{on|in}3 %2%select{| %4}3}1: renamed to '%5'"
>>>     parameter_curry_syntax_removed
>>>         "curried function declaration syntax will be removed in a future "
>>>         "version of Swift; use a single parameter list"
>>> Unsupported:
>>>     warning_parallel_execution_not_supported
>>>         "parallel execution not supported; falling back to serial execution"
>>>     unsupported_synthesize_init_variadic
>>>         "synthesizing a variadic inherited initializer for subclass %0 is "
>>>         "unsupported"
>>> Stylistic/Pedantic/Cleanliness:
>>>     pbd_never_used_stmtcond
>>>         "value %0 was defined but never used; consider replacing "
>>>         "with boolean test"
>>>     pbd_never_used
>>>         "initialization of %select{variable|immutable value}1 %0 was never used"
>>>         "; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it"
>>>     capture_never_used
>>>         "capture %0 was never used",
>>>     variable_never_used
>>>         "%select{variable|immutable value}1 %0 was never used; "
>>>         "consider replacing with '_' or removing it"
>>>     variable_never_mutated
>>>         "%select{variable|parameter}1 %0 was never mutated; "
>>>         "consider changing to 'let' constant"
>>>     variable_never_read
>>>         "%select{variable|parameter}1 %0 was written to, but never read"
>>>     expression_unused_result
>>>         "result of call to %0 is unused"
>>>     expression_unused_init_result
>>>         "result of initializer is unused", ())
>>>     expression_unused_result_message
>>>         "result of call to %0 is unused: %1"
>>>     expression_unused_result_nonmutating
>>>         "result of call to non-mutating function %0 is unused; "
>>>         "use %1 to mutate in-place"
>>>     expression_unused_optional_try
>>>         "result of 'try?' is unused"
>>>     non_trailing_closure_before_default_args
>>>         "closure parameter prior to parameters with default arguments will "
>>>         "not be treated as a trailing closure"
>>>     parameter_extraneous_double_up
>>>         "extraneous duplicate parameter name; %0 already has an argument "
>>>         "label"
>>>     parameter_extraneous_empty_name
>>>         "extraneous '_' in parameter: %0 has no keyword argument name"
>>>     escaped_parameter_name
>>>         "keyword '%0' does not need to be escaped in argument list"
>>> CodeSmell/StrongStylisticHints:
>>>     guard_always_succeeds
>>>         "'guard' condition is always true, body is unreachable"
>>>     warn_unqualified_access
>>>         "use of %0 treated as a reference to %1 in %2 %3"
>>>     var_pattern_didnt_bind_variables
>>>         "'%0' pattern has no effect; sub-pattern didn't bind any variables"
>>>     type_inferred_to_undesirable_type
>>>         "%select{variable|constant}2 %0 inferred to have type %1, "
>>>         "which may be unexpected"
>>>     no_throw_in_try
>>>         "no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression"
>>>     no_throw_in_do_with_catch
>>>         "'catch' block is unreachable because no errors are thrown in 'do' block"
>>>     required_initializer_override_keyword
>>>         "'override' is implied when overriding a required initializer"
>>>     if_always_true
>>>         "'if' condition is always true"
>>>     while_always_true
>>>         "'while' condition is always true"
>>>     warn_protocol_witness_optionality
>>>         "%select{type|result|parameter|parameters|"
>>>         "result and parameters}0 of %1 %select{has|has|has|have|have|}0"
>>>         " different optionality than expected by protocol %2"
>>>     optional_req_nonobjc_near_match
>>>         "non- at objc %select{initializer %1|method %1|property %1|subscript}0 "
>>>         "cannot satisfy optional requirement of @objc protocol %2"
>>>     override_unnecessary_IUO
>>>         "overriding %0 parameter of type %1 with implicitly unwrapped optional "
>>>         "type %2",
>>>     override_unnecessary_result_IUO
>>>         "overriding %0 optional result type %1 with implicitly unwrapped "
>>>         "optional type %2",
>>>     inject_forced_downcast, sema_tce, none,
>>>         "treating a forced downcast to %0 as optional will never produce 'nil'"
>>>     recursive_accessor_reference, tce_sema, none,
>>>         "attempting to %select{access|modify}1 %0 within its own "
>>>         "%select{getter|setter}1",
>>>     store_in_willset, tce_sema, none,
>>>         "attempting to store to property %0 within its own willSet, which is "
>>>         "about to be overwritten by the new value",
>>>     isa_is_always_true
>>>         "'%0' test is always true",
>>>     conditional_downcast_coercion
>>>         "conditional cast from %0 to %1 always succeeds"
>>>     downcast_to_unrelated, sema_tcc, none,
>>>         "cast from %0 to unrelated type %1 always fails"
>>>     forced_downcast_noop
>>>         "forced cast of %0 to same type has no effect"
>>>     forced_downcast_coercion
>>>         "forced cast from %0 to %1 always succeeds; did you mean to use 'as'?"
>>>     extraneous_default_args_in_call
>>>         "call to %0 has extraneous arguments that could use defaults"
>>>     unreachable_code
>>>         "will never be executed"
>>>     unreachable_code_after_stmt
>>>         "code after '%select{return|break|continue|throw}0' will never "
>>>         "be executed"
>>>     unreachable_case
>>>         "%select{case|default}0 will never be executed"
>>>     switch_on_a_constant
>>>         "switch condition evaluates to a constant"
>>>     integer_conversion_overflow_warn
>>>         "integer overflows when converted from %0 to %1"
>>>     integer_literal_overflow_warn
>>>         "integer literal overflows when stored into %0"
>>>     trailing_closure_excess_newlines
>>>         "trailing closure is separated from call site by multiple newlines"
>>>     lex_nul_character, lexing, none
>>>         "nul character embedded in middle of file"
>>>     unindented_code_after_return
>>>         "expression following 'return' is treated as an argument of "
>>>         "the 'return'"
>>>     lex_editor_placeholder_in_playground
>>>         "editor placeholder in source file"
>>> Attributes:
>>>     attr_availability_unknown_platform
>>>         "unknown platform '%0' for attribute '%1'"
>>>     attr_warn_unused_result_expected_name
>>>         "expected parameter 'message' or 'mutable_variant'"
>>>     attr_warn_unused_result_duplicate_parameter
>>>         "duplicate '%0' parameter; previous value will be ignored"
>>>     attr_warn_unused_result_unknown_parameter
>>>         "unknown parameter '%0' in 'warn_unused_result' attribute"
>>>     attr_migration_id_expected_name
>>>         "expected parameter 'pattern'"
>>>     attr_migration_id_unknown_parameter
>>>         "unknown parameter '%0' in '_migration_id' attribute"
>>>     attr_migration_id_duplicate_parameter
>>>         "duplicate '%0' parameter; previous value will be ignored"
>>>     invalid_swift_name_method
>>>         "too %select{few|many}0 parameters in swift_name attribute (expected %1; "
>>>         "got %2)"
>>> Availability:
>>>     availability_query_useless_min_deployment
>>>         "unnecessary check for '%0'; minimum deployment target ensures guard "
>>>         "will always be true"
>>>     availability_query_useless_enclosing_scope
>>>         "unnecessary check for '%0'; enclosing scope ensures guard "
>>>         "will always be true"
>>> And the below I'm either struggling to think about how to categorize them
>>> (perhaps no category at first), or un-familiar with what they're targeting
>>>     warning_from_clang:
>>>         "%0"
>>>     could_not_rewrite_bridging_header, none, none,
>>>         "failed to serialize bridging header; "
>>>         "target may not be debuggable outside of its original project"
>>>     omit_needless_words
>>>         "%0 could be named %1 [-Womit-needless-words]"
>>>     unused_compiler_version_component
>>>         "the second version component is not used for comparison"
>>>     unknown_build_config
>>>         "unknown %0 for build configuration '%1'"
>>>     sema_import_current_module
>>>         "this file is part of module %0; ignoring import"
>>>     sema_import_current_module_with_file
>>>         "file '%0' is part of module %1; ignoring import"
>>>     access_control_member_more
>>>         "declaring %select{PRIVATE|an internal|a public}0 %1 for "
>>>         "%select{a private|an internal|PUBLIC}2 %3"
>>>     access_control_ext_member_more
>>>         "declaring %select{PRIVATE|an internal|a public}0 %1 in "
>>>         "%select{a private|an internal|PUBLIC}2 extension"
>>>     emit_reference_dependencies_without_primary_file
>>>         "ignoring -emit-reference-dependencies (requires -primary-file)"
>>>     warning_no_such_sdk
>>>         "no such SDK: '%0'"
>>>     warn_cannot_stat_input
>>>         "unable to determine when '%0' was last modified: %1"
>>>     warning_unnecessary_repl_mode
>>>         "unnecessary option '%0'; this is the default for '%1' "
>>>         "with no input files"
>>>     incremental_requires_output_file_map
>>>         "ignoring -incremental (currently requires an output file map)"
>>>     incremental_requires_build_record_entry
>>>         "ignoring -incremental; output file map has no master dependencies "
>>>         "entry (\"%0\" under \"\")"
>>> I haven’t gotten to how to expose this to the user, and I’ll defer to the community for suggestions in that area. 
>> Just an FYI: We have also talked about performance related warnings at the SIL level (that could potentially be a hard error). We do not have any such thing implemented right now, but keep it in mind.
>> Michael
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