[swift-corelibs-dev] Swiftier? implementation of Measurement and Unit in Foundation
Joanna Carter
joanna at carterconsulting.org.uk
Thu Aug 11 04:49:05 CDT 2016
Having had to implement convertible measurements and units for a project a couple of years ago, I thought I would take a look at the upcoming Measurements and Units implementations as found in the Github archive.
Since we are continually being told that protocol-oriented code and the preferred use of structs were good things, I was surprised at the class inheritance I found.
As a long-time proponent of OO design (some 29 years) I know that classes are not "evil" but was interested to see if Swift 2.2 could manage to implement Measurements and Units without falling into the inheritance trap where unnecessary implementation has to be included throughout a class hierarchy.
I replaced the name Dimension with ConvertibleUnit as I felt a Dimension was not truly a Unit; in fact, a Dimension could be better described in terms of composition rather than inheritance i.e. a Dimension "has a" Unit rather than a Dimension "is a" Unit.
Using a protocol for ConvertibleUnit also removes the requirement for methods in a base class that were either empty or that carried out a conversion at a coefficient of 1, which is essentially no conversion at all.
Therefore, if I may indulge, here is my attempt at a more protocol-orientd version. The code is not complete with regards to bridging but, looking at the bridging code in Github, that should not be a problem.
public protocol UnitConverter
func baseUnitValue(fromValue value: Double) -> Double
func value(fromBaseUnitValue baseUnitValue: Double) -> Double
// example converters
public struct UnitConverterLinear : UnitConverter
private let coefficient: Double
private let constant: Double
public init(coefficient: Double, constant: Double)
self.coefficient = coefficient
self.constant = constant
public init(coefficient: Double)
self.init(coefficient: coefficient, constant: 0)
public func baseUnitValue(fromValue value: Double) -> Double
return value * coefficient + constant
public func value(fromBaseUnitValue baseUnitValue: Double) -> Double
return (baseUnitValue - constant) / coefficient
public struct UnitConverterReciprocal : UnitConverter
private let reciprocal: Double
public init(reciprocal: Double)
self.reciprocal = reciprocal
public func baseUnitValue(fromValue value: Double) -> Double
return reciprocal / value
public func value(fromBaseUnitValue baseUnitValue: Double) -> Double
return baseUnitValue * reciprocal
// base protocols
public protocol Unit
var symbol: String { get }
public protocol ConvertibleUnit : Unit
var converter: UnitConverter { get }
static var baseUnit : Self { get }
// generic Measurement
public struct Measurement<UnitType : ConvertibleUnit>
var value: Double
let unit: UnitType
public init(value: Double, unit: UnitType)
self.value = value
self.unit = unit
public func canBeConverted<TargetUnit : ConvertibleUnit>(to unit: TargetUnit) -> Bool
return unit is UnitType
public func converting<TargetUnit : ConvertibleUnit>(to unit: TargetUnit) -> Measurement<TargetUnit>
if !canBeConverted(to: unit)
fatalError("Unit type not compatible")
let baseUnitValue = self.unit.converter.baseUnitValue(fromValue: value)
let convertedValue = unit.converter.value(fromBaseUnitValue: baseUnitValue)
return Measurement<TargetUnit>(value: convertedValue, unit: unit)
// example implementing ConvertibleUnit
public struct LengthUnit : ConvertibleUnit
public let symbol: String
public let converter: UnitConverter
private struct Symbol
static let kilometers = "km"
static let meters = "m"
// ...
private struct Coefficient
static let kilometers = 1000.0
static let meters = 1.0
// ...
public static var kilometers: LengthUnit
return LengthUnit(symbol: Symbol.kilometers, converter: UnitConverterLinear(coefficient: Coefficient.kilometers))
public static var meters: LengthUnit
return LengthUnit(symbol: Symbol.meters, converter: UnitConverterLinear(coefficient: Coefficient.meters))
// ...
public static var baseUnit : LengthUnit
return LengthUnit.meters
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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