[swift-build-dev] SwiftPM - More layout options for sources/tests folders

bhargav gurlanka bhargav.grlnk at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 11:10:10 CST 2016

Hi swift community,

The current SwiftPM supports very limited set of source directory layouts.

Below are some of the layouts, along with their current SwiftPM support,
that I think should be supported.

├── Package.swift
└── Sources
    └── ModuleA
        ├── Bar.swift
        ├── Foo.swift
        └── Tests
            └── ModuleATests.swift

*Current Status:* Building - Tests Failing

├── Foo.swift
├── Package.swift
└── Tests
    └── FooTests.swift

*Current Status: *Building - Tests Failing

├── Package.swift
├── Sources
│   ├── Foo.swift
│   └── ModuleA
│       ├── Bar.swift
│       └── Tests
│           └── BarTests.swift
└── Tests
    └── FooTests.swift

*Current Status: *Build Failing - Invalid Layout

├── Package.swift
├── Sources
│   ├── Foo.swift
│   ├── ModuleA
│   │   └── Bar.swift
│   └── Tests
│       └── FooTests.swift
└── Tests
    └── ModuleA
        └── BarTests.swift

*Current Status: *Build Failing - Invalid Layout

Comments / thoughts?

Bhargav Gurlanka
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