[swift-build-dev] [swiftpm] Add proposal for C language support

Daniel Dunbar daniel_dunbar at apple.com
Sat Jan 2 11:00:17 CST 2016

Happy 2016!

I am working on an initial proposal for adding support for C language targets to the Swift package manager, and am interested in feedback:

Some TL;DR:
 - The proposal defines a basic convention for pure C language targets (no Swift/C mix and match, but other Swift targets can use the C targets).
 - This is just intended to be the minimal initial feature, there will be a lot of add on work which I expect should be tackled in follow on PRs/proposals.
 - The proposal doesn't try and outline every single nitty detail (e.g., exactly what C++ standard we will compile with). My intention is to pick a sensible default at implementation time and refine incrementally.

Unless there are serious objections, I am hoping to hope to land this proposal soon and start work on the feature shortly after.

 - Daniel

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