[swift-users] Beginner Questions on IOS Game Programming

Eric Wing ewmailing at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 15:50:17 CST 2016

On 2/14/16, Rich De Steno via swift-users <swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
> I have experience with C++ on Windows as a game creator but I want to
> explore putting them in IOS app form through Swift for the iPhone.  I
> went through the information at www.swift.org and read much of the
> language guide.  I see the material on functions, variables, constants,
> and such, but I did not come across anything on other major subjects,
> such as user input in an app, playing sounds and perhaps wav files in an
> app, and similar subjects that are required in many apps and certainly
> in games. Where can I learn about how to code these types of items.  Is
> there a more comprehensive guide?  Pardon the elementary level of these
> questions, but I had to code all of these types of things out in C++.

You will need a Mac to ultimately build for iOS. However, you can
follow the cross-platform game development route. Since Swift has
really good C interoperability, you can start there for your platform
layers and start building up your game logic in Swift.

I'm building a new SDK that is does just that. I just put a little
video trailer together showing using a same Swift code base on
SteamOS/Linux, then Mac, then iOS, and then Raspberry Pi 2. SDL is the
platform layer.



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