[swift-users] More Swift-like initializers and enums in UIKit

Nick O'Neill nick.oneill at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 11:03:25 CST 2015

I've been using `UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning` recently and the
associated APIs are usable but decidedly not very Swifty. Lots of the main
UIKit APIs got a Swift makeover as we've progressed through releases but
there are still a few such as this one that could use some touching up. I
would love to submit a PR with some improvements to these APIs.

I looked around for a bit but I couldn't find anything in the public repos
- presumably this stuff is tucked in the private UIKit source somewhere.

Did I miss a spot where I can submit a PR for this or is there a chance the
Swift headers for these UIKit APIs could be made open source in the future?

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